
Maaike Visser and Emmelie Wijckmans speak on the Competitio annual conference


On 30/03, Faros partners Maaike Visser and Emmelie Wijckmans spoke at the Competitio annual conference, hosted by De Experten and Intersentia Ltd, to share the latest developments in Belgian competition law.

It is safe to say that the times are changing! Some of the key takeaways of the conference:

  • The CJEU Towercast judgment marks the end of the 'one-stop shop' era in merger control for dominant undertakings in Belgium. Within a matter of days, the BCA opened an investigation into possible abuse of dominance by Proximus in regard to the acquisition of edpnet based on this new case law.
  • Dawn raids are back and the authorities are ready. In the post-covid era, searches both in real-life and remote are being carried out on a regular basis. This is causing a lot of challenges for businesses, especially when it comes to IT.
  • Johan Ysewyn and Melissa Van Schoorisse presented their annual overview of the developments in Belgian competition law in 2022. This overview will be published in Competitio.

A full report of the conference will follow in Competitio, the Belgian Competition Law magazine of which Faros partner Maaike Visser is a member of the editorial board.

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