
Karolien Francken and Annemie Van de Vliet speak at the Gondola Sales & Nego Summit


At the Summit themed “Commercial Negotiations in Times of Crisis,” Faros discussed take-aways on competition law in the context of negotiations. Particular focus this year was on joint purchasing and buying alliances.

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Publication of VBO-FEB brochure on ‘Trade federations & Competition law’ & presentation at event


In collaboration with VBO-FEB, Faros is raising further awareness of competition law among federations and its members. Together with VBO-FEB, we published a brochure on this topic and organized a study afternoon.

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Second edition Data protection Lunch Webinars ‘Tackle common data protection scenarios following direct marketing!’


Today, the second Data Protection Lunch Webinar of 2024 took place. Nearly 70 professionals joined our webinar on managing data protection scenarios after rolling out direct marketing, indicating strong interest in the topic.

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Partners Emmelie and Frank present on ‘IP & Competition law’ during the ‘Lunch-Causerie’ of AIPPI


Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans gave a presentation on ‘IP & Competition law’ during the ‘Lunch-Causerie’ of the Belgian National Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property ‘AIPPI’.

After discussing the general framework, they touched upon 7 touch points between competition law and IP.

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Cédric Elst: new lawyer at Faros


We are excited to share that Cédric Elst has joined Faros. Cédric took his oath today and is ready to dive into his role within our competition team.

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New series of Glossary videos in the making


This summer, Faros team members once again headed to the studio of our video partner Arendsoog to record the next batch of Glossary videos. This series will be launched in the autumn.

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Annotation by Sofie Deprez published in Tijdschrift Computerrecht on ECJ 'IAB Europe' ruling


Faros associate Sofie Deprez wrote an annotation on the ECJ judgment of 7 March 2024, 'IAB Europe'. This judgment concerns the scope of the concept of 'personal data' within the meaning of Article 4(1) GDPR, as well as on the qualification of joint controllers.

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Annemie Van de Vliet and Frank Wijckmans give session on Article 102 TFEU at Informa Connect Summer School at Cambridge University


They were delighted to meet a highly motivated and international group of practitioners. They were among the first to be guided through the new EU draft guidelines on exclusionary abuses. The draft was published by the European Commission late last week. Discover some key take-aways below.

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Frank Wijckmans gives training to Luxembourg competition authority on vertical agreements


Today, partner Frank Wijckmans trained the Luxembourg Competition Authority on vertical agreements and, more specifically, on Regulation 2022/720.

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Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans write EU chapter on 'Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms' in ICLG


For the fourth consecutive year, Faros partners Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans have authored the EU chapter of the latest edition of ICLG’s renowned ‘International Comparative Legal Guide on Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms’.

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Associates follow a 'Successful Networking' training presented by Expert Academy.


The Faros associates attended a training offered by Expert Academy on 'Successful networking'. A more than pleasant start of the summer.

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Maaike Visser guest speaker at ADDE anniversary event


In honour of the 60th anniversary of ADDE, the "Association of Dental Dealers in Europe", Faros was invited to speak at the conference in Frankfurt organised by BVD, the German dental professional federation ("Bundesverband Dentalhandel").

Maaike Visser spoke on various competition law topics including vertical agreements and distribution formats, sustainability and professional federations. Recent developments regarding the Medical Device Regulation were also discussed. As a long-standing partner of ADDE, it was an honour to participate in this conference.

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Emmelie Wijckmans gives guest lecture in BSC LL.M. programme on 'Competition and Arbitration'


Today, Emmelie Wijckmans gave a guest lecture on competition law and arbitration proceedings in the LL.M. programme of the Brussels School of Competition.

Emmelie discussed how competition law aspects (can) occur in arbitration proceedings and how competition law can or should be applied in that case. She further shared concrete tools, based on her years of practical experience.

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Pérez-Llorca partner on 'friends visit' to Faros


Pablo Figueroa, partner at Spanish law firm Pérez-Llorca (and also lecturer at Queen Mary University) visited Faros today. He had lunch with the team and gave a presentation on competition law in Spain.

It was particularly interesting to gain more insight into Spanish practice and how it differs from the Belgian landscape.

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Anouk Focquet speaks at Voka community event on online advertising


Today, partner Anouk Focquet spoke at the community event of Voka KvK Vlaams-Brabant.

Anouk participated in a panel discussion on safe and smart digital entrepreneurship. She then gave a presentation on online advertising in a legally correct way.

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Frank Wijckmans presents the new European regime on vertical agreements to the Luxembourg competition authority


Today, partner Frank Wijckmans presented the new European regime on vertical agreements (Regulation 2022/720) to the Luxembourg competition authority.

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Frank Wijckmans speaks on verticals at ERA/HCC conference in Athens


The Hellenic Competition Commission and ERA organized an in-depth conference on vertical restraints. Faros partner Frank Wijckmans was invited to provide step-by-step guidance on the application of the European block exemption regime.

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Frank Wijckmans gives webinar for Brussels School of Competition on recent EU case law regarding 'by object'


It started with a question during the Verticals module at the Brussels School of Competition. Super Bock, Super League, ISU, by object… Luc Peeperkorn and Frank Wijckmans assumed students had forgotten all about it after the close of the BSC sessions. Wrong, so wrong. The Friends of the Brussels School of Competition picked it up and the result was an online lunch session.

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Faros data protection team organises lunch webinar ‘Unlock the Power of Your Customer Data!’


During lunch today, Anouk Focquet and Sofie Deprez gave an online session on how to maximise the potential of customer data in a data protection compliant manner. The webinar was enthusiastically received by companies from various countries, who greatly appreciated the practical session.

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Luc Demeyere gives training session to Faros team on 'Commercial conflicts'


The Faros team was immersed in the world of commercial conflicts. Luc Demeyere has just written a book on the subject and was happy to come and explain the most important key take-aways during one of our 'Knowledge is key sessions'.

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Anouk Focquet speaks at OVB Congress 'Magie van het recht'


As is its biennial custom, the Order of Flemish Bars ('OVB') organised a conference with a wide range of topics and speakers oriented towards lawyers.

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Faros co-organised 12th Competitio Annual Conference


Faros partner Maaike Visser co-organised the annual conference of the renowned Belgian journal 'Competitio' and also acted as opening speaker. Several team members joined the conference.

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Faros in Legal 500


The EMEA rankings of Legal 500 have been published. We are proud to announce that Faros is ranked immediately.

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Faros present at Career Day of Elsa Brussels


Maaike Visser and Femke Van Belle represented Faros at Elsa Brussels' Career Day. They spoke to plenty of students who are interested in the legal profession and in our firm.

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Anouk Focquet and Julie Mannekens teach Privacy & Data Protection crash course to GLSC students at Ghent University


Anouk Focquet and Julie Mannekens were invited by student organisation GLSC for a training on Privacy & Data Protection. They gave a crash course full of practical examples and relevant cases.

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Updated Dutch Data Protection Handbook published


The updated version of the Dutch Data Protection Handbook has been published by LeA Publishers.

The title of the book is: ‘Handboek Gegevensbescherming in de diepte & in de praktijk’ (Dutch) and the manuscript was finalized on 30 September 2023.

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Webinar on cookies (partnership with Webclew) launched


In collaboration with Thomas Ghys of Webclew, Anouk Focquet recorded an on-demand webinar on cookies and other forms of online tracking. The webinar is now available online (free of charge).

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Faros ranked at Chambers & Partners


As a start-up firm, it is not a given to be picked up by Chambers & Partners right away. It normally takes a couple of years before a new firm can enter this prestigious directory. For Faros, however, this has worked out well.

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Anouk Focquet speaks at VRG alumni day and publishes article on the European health data space


Today, Anouk Focquet spoke at the 31st VRG Alumni Day, where she gave a presentation on the European health data space ('EHDS'), and in particular on the relationship between the EHDS Regulation and the General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR').

Following her lecture, Anouk also wrote an academic article on this topic.

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Karolien Francken and Annemie Van de Vliet give guest lecture at UA (University of Antwerp)


Karolien Francken and Annemie Van de Vliet gave a guest lecture at UA (University of Antwerp) in the form of competition compliance training. They did so in the course ‘EU and International Economic Law’ of Professor Pierfrancesco Mattiolo.

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Faros organises roundtable discussion with top players from the Belgian competition world


On 20 February we organised a roundtable discussion with lawyers active in the Belgian competition world. The aim was to discuss in depth recent developments in European competition law.

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To come: Publication of updated Dutch Data Protection Handbook and French translation


The Faros data protection team is currently finalising the updated version of the Dutch Data Protection Handbook and its French translation. Publication of both works is expected later this spring.

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Maaike Visser speaks at German Conference in honour of ADDE’s 60th birthday (2)


In 2024, ADDE will celebrate its 60th anniversary. BVD (German member of ADDE) is organising a conference in Frankfurt on June 14 to celebrate this anniversary. Faros partner Maaike Visser speaks at this event.

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Faros will publish two articles on vertical agreements in JCLAP and SEW


Also in 2024, our team members will continue publishing! We just received confirmation from both JECLAP (Journal of European Competition Law & Practice) and SEW (Journal of European and Economic Law) that they will each publish a Faros article on vertical agreements in mid-2024.

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It's time for correcting exams again…


Last December Frank taught the course on 'The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints' together with Luc Peeperkorn at the Brussels School of Competition. Meanwhile, the completed exams were delivered to Frank and Luc for correction.

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Data protection team writes social media post for the Brussels Bar on how to use evidence in legal proceedings in line with the GDPR


In honor of Data Privacy Day, our Data Protection team drafted some rules of thumb for the Brussels Bar on how to use evidence in legal proceedings in line with the GDPR. You can find the post on the LinkedIn profile of the Brussels Bar (‘Balie Brussel’).

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Something to look forward to: webinar on Cookies in collaboration with Webclew


In collaboration with Thomas Ghys of Webclew, Anouk Focquet recently recorded an on-demand webinar on cookies and other forms of online tracking. The webinar will soon be made available online for free.

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Launch Glossary Data Protection


Do you know our Glossary? Through a series of videos, we build a Glossary of the most important terms in competition law and... now also data protection law!

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Frank Wijckmans teaches 'The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints' at the Brussels School of Competition.


December is traditionally 'Brussels School of Competition month'. In line with the tradition, Frank Wijckmans lectured on 'The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints', together with Luc Peeperkorn.

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Deep dive into the new EU legislation on horizontal agreements on our ‘Horizontal Round Table’


Our ‘Horizontal Round Table’ took place today, a conference with a select number of participants. The conference provided extensive insight into the EU's new regulatory framework on horizontal agreements.

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Faros on campus


Over the past few weeks, we were present at numerous job fairs, networking opportunities and application events.

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Guest lecture Maaike Visser and Karolien Francken at the University of Ghent


Maaike Visser and Karolien Francken gave a guest lecture in Professor Renzo van der Bruggen’s course on ‘Commercial contract law’ (‘Handelscontractenrecht) at the University of Ghent.

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Emmelie Wijckmans, Karolien Francken and Frank Wijckmans speak at VBO-FEB event on new EU rules on horizontal agreements


On 24/10, Faros partners Emmelie Wijckmans, Karolien Francken and Frank Wijckmans spoke at the VBO-FEB event 'Are you on board with the new European Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations (HBERs)'?

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Faros becomes partner of ECCEDU


At Faros, we value supporting the next generation. That is why we responded with great enthusiasm when ECCEDU (European Centre for Career Education) contacted us to become part of its network. ECCEDU offers internships and courses with the aim of connecting students with the business world.

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Congratulations with your Oath as lawyer at the Brussels Bar, Femke and Vincent!


Today, Faros team members Vincent and Femke headed to the Brussels Palace of Justice to take their Oath with the Brussels Bar Association.

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Editorial Frank Wijckmans in Competitio


Frank Wijckmans had the pleasure of providing the Editorial for the latest issue of the renowned legal journal 'Competitio'.

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Curious about what we are up to lately? Have a look at this HLN article written by Robby Dierickx


Don't understand a thing about lawyer jargon either?

This law firm explains difficult words simply through puppetry.

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Update: Faros guest speaker at 2023 Gondola Negotiation Summit


Faros partner Karolien Francken was absolutely honoured to be invited by retail top magazine Gondola as guest speakers on its annual top event. The event was attended by more than 150 leading players active on Belgium’s distribution scene.

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Celebrating One Year with Faros!


As we mark the completion of our first year since setting sail in September, we have a special announcement to share. We're thrilled to introduce Vincent our newest team member, who joins us on this joyous occasion, making this celebration twice as special!

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Faros on national TV…


Last weekend, Faros was featured in a program of the leading Belgian business TV channel (Kanaal Z).

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Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens present 'Hot topics in data protection: 2023' at NCOI seminar


On 21 August, Faros lawyers Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens presented 'Hot topics in data protection: 2023' at a NCOI seminar.

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Annemie Van de Vliet & Frank Wijckmans speak at Informa Connect summer school @Cambridge University


Annemie Van de Vliet and Frank Wijckmans travelled to the University of Cambridge earlier this week for the annual Informa Connect ‘Competition law summer school’. Frank and Annemie lectured on the key principles and recent decisions regarding art. 102 TFEU (abuse of dominance) and co-chaired a Mock Hearing on the topic.

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Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans write chapter on 'Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms' in ICLG


ICLG recently published its Comparative Legal Guide on 'Vertical Agreements and Dominant Firms'. In this latest edition and similarly to prior years, Faros lawyers Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans were invited to prepare the chapter focusing on the European Union.

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No summer at Faros without summer interns! Warm welcome to all of them.


In July and August, we welcome 4 summer interns. They will be an integral part of our team and live the Faros experience.

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Karolien Francken speaks at Informa conference ‘Vertical Restraints and Distribution’


On 13 June, Faros partner Karolien Francken took the stage at the Informa Connect conference ‘Vertical Restraints and Distribution’, where she joined the panel on 'Selective & Exclusive Distribution'. Many valuable insights were shared at the conference. Click on ‘Read more’ to discover them.

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Emmelie Wijckmans speaker @ Summer School in Cambridge – get your discount now!


According to tradition, Emmelie Wijckmans is heading to Cambridge this summer to teach at Informa Connect's Summer School.

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Frank Wijckmans and Luc Peeperkorn share views on new VBER in ECLR


Faros partner, Frank Wijckmans, and Luc Peeperkorn (former Principal Advisor Antitrust Policy at European Commission), have co-authored an insightful article in the prestigious European Competition Law Review. The article delves into the new European rules on vertical agreements (the “VBER”).

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Faros event '1st anniversary of VBER: looking beyond the EU borders'


On 11/05, Faros organised '1st anniversary of VBER: looking beyond the EU borders'. This was an online lunch session celebrating the first anniversary of the EU Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER). We compared the EU regime with those applicable in Switzerland, the UK, Turkey and Serbia. The session uncovered the main similarities and differences.

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Faros attending a hearing at the Court of Justice's Grand Chamber


On Tuesday, May 2, Faros attended a hearing at the Court of Justice's Grand Chamber regarding a positive doping decision that involved an Austrian athlete (C-115/22). The athlete requested that the decision would not be published, but the national anti-doping authority refused, citing legal requirements. The athlete appealed to the Independent Arbitration Commission (USK), which submitted several preliminary questions to the Court.

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Karolien Francken speaks at Informa Connect conference ‘Advanced EU Competition Law’


On April 24th, Karolien Francken spoke at the 32nd Annual Conference of Informa Connect. She was part of a panel discussion with Tobias Kruis (Director, Ethics & Compliance Europe; Global Competition Counsel, TD SYNNEX) and Vincent Stier (Senior Legal Counsel, EDEKA Verband) on vertical restraints. Discover the range of topics that were covered below.

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Faros is ranked in Legal500 for its privacy and data protection practice


The Faros data protection team is ranked in Tier 2 for ‘EU Regulatory: Privacy And Data Protection’ and our partner Anouk Focquet is again a ‘rising star’.

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Faros attends the ‘Career Day’ of Elsa Brussel


On 18 April, Maaike Visser and Femke Van Belle represented Faros at the ‘Career Day’ of the student organization Elsa Brussel.

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Faros organizes ‘1st anniversary of VBER: looking beyond the EU borders’ on 11/05


The EU Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) turns one year old! During a (! free) online event on 11/05 (12:00-14:00 CET), we place the VBER in a pan-European context to mark this anniversary.

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Maaike Visser and Emmelie Wijckmans speak on the Competitio annual conference


On 30/03, Faros partners Maaike Visser and Emmelie Wijckmans spoke at the Competitio annual conference, hosted by De Experten and Intersentia Ltd, to share the latest developments in Belgian competition law.

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GDPR 101 by Faros


On Wednesday 29th March, our data protection team hosted an interactive session on GDPR for the student organization ELSA Brussel. Just like we do for our clients!

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On March 13th, a Chair of Business Compliance created by VBO-FEB launched highlighting the increasing importance of compliance in companies.


Karolien Francken who leads compliance at Faros was invited to the launch of the chair created by VBO-FEB at the law faculties of the universities in Ghent and Liège.

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Faros speaks at VGA Academy


The VGA Academy kick-started with an initial session on arbitration in Hasselt on March 14th, 2023.

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On March 2nd 2023, Anouk Focquet and Sofie Deprez hosted a webinar on "Data Protection in Practice" organized by the Training Institute for Lawyers


Using a practical 10-point checklist Anouk Focquet and Sofie Deprez reiterated the basics of the GDPR to Brussels-based lawyers.

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First Faros Submissions for Chambers & Partners


Faros just forwarded to Chambers & Partners its very first submission! Chambers is however quicker than ever. The Global Legal Guide 2023 just issued that Faros is already picked up even though we started our niche practices in competition, data protection and compliance at the very end of the research period.

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Faros publishes on abuse of rights in data protection law


Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens published a commentary on a landmark judgment by the Market Court rendered on 1 December 2021 concerning abuse of rights in data protection.

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Faros speaks at conference of Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO-FEB)


On 30/01, the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO-FEB) organized a conference for its members on the new European legislation on vertical agreements. A number of distinguished speakers shared their experience regarding the new rules.

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Frank Wijckmans teaches ‘The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints’ at the Brussels School of Competition


In a line with the tradition, Frank Wijckmans spent his Friday afternoons at the Brussels School of Competition in recent weeks, where he teaches the course 'The Law and Economics of Vertical Restraints' together with Luc Peeperkorn.

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Faros guest speaker at the Paralegal Day


The Paralegal Day is organized by NCOI Learning to address various legal topics closely related to the day-to-day practice of in-house lawyers and paralegals. Anouk Focquet and Julie Mannekens were invited to the Paralegal Day to reflect on the implementation of the GDPR in practice.

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Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez, Julie Mannekens present their book ‘Bos Door De Bomen: Gegevensbescherming' at the event 'Faros in conversation with...'


Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez, and Julie Mannekens launched the second edition of the book Bos Door De Bomen: Gegevensbescherming'. On the occasion of this publication, we organized an event 'Faros in conversation with Peter Berghmans (DPO), David Stevens (former first president GBA), and Anne-Marie Witters (president Market Court)'.

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Faros, partner of Friends of the Brussels School of Competition


Faros becomes a partner of the Alumni Program of the Brussels School of Competition.

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Faros speaks at conference of Belgian-German Lawyers’ Association


Tilman Kuhn (White & Case) and Frank Wijckmans (Faros) presented the new block exemption regulation on vertical agreements (Regulation 2022/720) at a conference organized by the Belgian-German Lawyers’ Association in Düsseldorf.

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Faros at networking event Elsa Leuven


We are always looking for enthusiastic students who can support our team during a summer or winter internship. Faros lawyers Anouk Focquet, Julie Mannekens and Kaat Aerts were therefore present at the Elsa Leuven networking event to introduce our new niche firm to the KU Leuven students.

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Faros at ‘Competition Law in the Aviation Sector’


Frank Wijckmans chaired a panel session devoted to online ticket distribution at Informa’s Conference held in Brussels on “Competition Law in the Aviation Sector”.

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Faros at Kilpailuoikeus 2022


‘Kilpailuoikeus 2022’ brings together the competition law community in Finland. Faros partner Frank Wijckmans was invited to provide a solid 1 ½ hour update on the new European regime on vertical agreements.

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What a joy to go into the depth of the new European regime on vertical agreements…


Even more so when this can be done in a cozy round table setting with participants from various businesses and different member states (spread out from Sweden to Bulgaria).

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Frank Wijckmans guest speaker at OECD training


Frank Wijckmans was invited to speak in Budapest at an OECD-organised training, for the Hungarian Competition Authority.

He was the only private practitioner in a room filled with competition law enforcers.

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Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens publish a monograph on data protection


Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens of our data protection team have released today their practice-driven monograph (300 p.) on data protection in Belgium. The book (in Dutch) guides the reader through the data protection landscape and aims to make this field of the law as accessible as possible.

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Competition law meets the new Civil Code


On 23 September Frank Wijckmans participated in a panel discussion at an all-day academic event organised by the University of Leuven (KUL) dedicated to the new Civil Code (the law of contractual obligations). His main role was to inject a practitioner's and competition law perspective.

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Family day @Faros


A month after Faros started, we invited our families to come and have a look at our brand-new office.

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Frank Wijckmans and Karolien Francken publish 'Vertical Block Exemption Regulation - Toolbook for practitioners'.


In response to the launch of the new European rules on vertical agreements on 1 June 2022, Frank Wijckmans and Karolien Francken published a 'Toolbook for practitioners'. The Toolbook includes the new texts with handy indications by means of keywords in bold. Furthermore, there is a practical Q&A (35 p.), which helps to apply the new rules in practice.

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Faros team meets with top management of high-tech spin-off companies


Faros gladly accepted the very kind invitation of the Robotics Department of the University of Brussels and spin-off company Axiles Bionics to take a closer look at their operations. This visit is consistent with Faros’ strong belief that its team does not only need to advise companies, but also to listen to business leaders to get a better feeling for the business reality. Many thanks to Pierre, Lennart and Jacques for their willingness to reserve so much quality time for the Faros team. This kind of visits can only help us to be better advisors and partners of our business clients.

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Update: Faros guest speaker at 2022 Gondola Negotiation Summit


Faros lawyers Frank Wijckmans, Karolien Francken and Emmelie Wijckmans were absolutely honoured to be invited by retail top magazine Gondola as guest speakers on its annual top event. The event was attended by more than 100 leading players active on Belgium’s distribution scene. Our Faros lawyers emphasized the unique importance of 2022 when it comes to the legal principles applicable to the distribution world. They offered a speed date with the new rules both under European and Belgian law.

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All right, off we go!


We have been looking forward to this for a long time and now it is finally happening: Faros is taking off! As from 1 September 2022 we are more than ready to support you in competition law, data protection law and compliance.

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Faros discusses the Belgian DPA's recent decisions


Anouk Focquet and Sofie Deprez spoke in August 2022 during NCOI Learning’s webinar days.

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Round Table Conferences regarding the new European rules on distribution and supply relationships


The set-up is crisp and clear: limited groups and focus on the details of the new European regime (Regulation 2022/720). We will go the extra mile in terms of content and practical relevance. Sessions are scheduled for 13/10 (Dutch), 20/10 (English). Each session is eligible for 7 OVB points and 7 IBJ points.

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Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans publish on Verticals and Dominance


Emmelie Wijckmans and Frank Wijckmans published in the International Comparative Legal Guides 2022 their EU competition law contribution on “Vertical Agreements and Dominant Companies”. The interplay between verticals and dominance is fascinating and it is presented in a handy Q&A format.

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Anouk Focquet, Sofie Deprez and Julie Mannekens hand in manuscript on data protection at LeA Publishers


The Data Protection team of Faros finalized and handed in its manuscript of what is expected to become the most practical handbook on Belgian data protection law. Publication is expected for 03/10/2022.

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Karolien Francken and Morgane Smets finalize the script of a novel compliance “on boarding” film


Within short, employees stepping on board or starting up a new project will benefit from a unique way of familiarizing themselves with the compliance requirements imposed by competition law. With the assistance of Comic House and Lectrr the Faros team has developed an animated movie that does the trick.

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Emmelie Wijckmans and Annemie Van de Vliet coordinate commentary on the draft Horizontal Guidelines


Lawyers of the Faros competition team have bundled their comments on the draft Horizontal Guidelines of the European Commission. In doing so, they relied extensively on their experience with the existing 2010 Guidelines.

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Frank Wijckmans submits Expert Report to DG Competition of the EU Commission


As part of the preparation of the new block exemption regulation on vertical agreements, Frank Wijckmans was invited by DG Competition to submit an Expert Report on certain specific issues that were on the table of the drafters. The Expert Report can be consulted on the DG Competition website.

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Maaike Visser joins the Editorial Board of Competitio


Competitio is one of the leading law reviews on competition law in Belgium. Faros partner Maaike Visser was invited to join the Editorial Board of Competitio and plays an active role in the success of the law review.

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